Fathers' table

The FATHER’S REGULARS’ TABLE always takes place on the 3rd Friday of the month. Fathers whose families receive hospice care from us are invited. Our volunteers Rolf Elsäßer and Michael Weber lead this group and always come up with something special.

Sterneninsel Pforzheim team - Rolf Elsaesser
Sterneninsel Pforzheim team - Michael Weber


Rolf Elsäßer and Michael Weber

Phone: 07231 8001008
E-mail: mail @sterneninsel.com

Coordination of hospice support

Klaudia Kreiter-Eyle
Pediatric nurse, palliative care specialist, ethnologist

Baerbel Lamprecht
Child and youth hospice attendant

Phone: 07231 8001008
E-mail: mail @sterneninsel.com

If you cannot reach us personally, please leave us a message on the answering machine.

Coordination of bereavement support

Mylène Krink-Zorn
Certified creative therapist, child and youth grief counselor

Petra Circle
Child and youth bereavement counselor

Phone: 07231 5662773
E-mail: grief@sterneninsel.com

Please leave us a message on the answering machine.


Simone Hochmuth

Phone: 07231 8001008
E-mail: mail @sterneninsel.com

You will reach us:
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
At other times, please leave us a message on the answering machine.